The first cut is a 27 - 32 minute cut geared toward the people of New Jersey. A more general cut is being made for non-New Jerseyans . . . and if someone or company would like to buy and mass distribute the film in theaters and DVD (after they see it for themselves) in my perfect world - it will have to be one and a half - two hours to accurately fit in everything I would like. In a perfect world . . .
A little bit about them:
Andrei is Russian and is originally from Kazakhstan (yes, the same country as Borat). . . and, yes, he loves to say, "very nice." He is a graduate of Temple film school and had a very popular blog, My Life with Bad English, that got critical acclaim. Clicking on this post for instance - will show you how Andrei dreamed of coming to America ever since he was a child. And Andrei has fulfilled his dream by recently becoming a US citizen. He gets home from work everyday and uses his free time to edit this film. The little that I have been able to fundraise to pay him - is not really what he is worth. . . but he takes it with the knowledge that he is working on something big here at NJ: the movie.
Alena is also Russian, and a former roommate of mine from the Jersey Shore. When I found out she was a "media criticism" (I think) major originally I laughed, because if you know Alena - she is very opinionated about everything . . but possess the knowledge about a lot to back it up too. She is also a graduate of Temple film school and has worked for free, for the past year. . . again hoping that this project was worth it. When Andrei and I complain (it happens a lot), we complain to her. She takes it all in and still micromanages everything. She is the great - but will probably read this post and be mad that I left something out . . . but she still demands the best.
You can come down to Ponzio's in Cherry Hill on Tues. Sept. 9th at 7pm to meet us and see what we've done. It will be sponsored by 1210am - The Big Talker. We will hopefully be selling our awesome t-shirts and we will (I'm warning you) also be looking for any donations.
Your money goes to copyright lawyer fees, trying to get copyright clearances and film festival fees. . . and of course paying Andrei a little more for what he is worth. How could it be a film about New Jersey without Bon Jovi music? Or Bruce? If we can clear it all - it's in. If we can't afford to - Andrei will find something - but it won't be the same. Right now is a critical time for what will actually be able to be in this film. . . there are many other bands who have music too and must get proper credit, and they will be featured on future posts.
We are definitely at a pivotal time. You can even still donate and guarantee your name will be in the film. It is paypal secured. There is more too: CLICK TO SEE. It is the least we can do for you - for helping us make an enjoyable ode to our state. . .that we hope can be enjoyed by all, have parties thrown around and even used in the classroom.

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